ZZ Broadcast Studios and Pro Bono Work

If there is one thing we try to value above all other client needs, it's return on investment. The goal of ZZ Broadcast Studios is to be a live event solutions expert, rather than just a video production service; however, there are some events where the value we provide isn't necessarily a measurable result. 

Because of this, we are sometimes asked to work on projects either at extreme discounts or for no cost at all. This can be for a plethora of reasons: perhaps a client's marketing budget is almost depleted, or other times our services are wanted for "the good of the cause," and by no means are we saying no event is for a better cause. Sometimes, unfortunately, people just think that what we do is simple enough that they don't understand why it costs money.

The complication of us providing pro bono work is that operating a live video production business is expensive. On top of the equipment needed to be able to provide the value we do, we also have to be able to compensate the crew we hire on for events. Operations such as camera work, audio engineering, graphic design, and instant replay all require some level of skill to be able to perform correctly, and unless we can hire people who can get the job done, our work won't accurately reflect the level of service and value we strive to provide. At the end of the day, we are a business, and if other potential clients see us performing sub-par, we would hate for them to seek services from competitors. 

That being said...

We aim to be as flexible with any budget as possible, and for some events we can find alternative payment solutions. Take sports, for example. If a client wants to have their league's season live streamed, but does not have the budget to afford us for a whole season, we can contract an agreement that allows us to sell on air advertising directly to companies, and we receive 100% profits of those advertisements. So if you are looking to hire us for an event, but are worried that hiring us would be too expensive, our quotes are always free, and we are always happy to discuss them with you to find a solution that benefits all parties involved.

Thank you for understanding.

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